Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church
Friday, March 28, 2025
find peace

How to Join


Whether or not your church background is Presbyterian, we welcome you to our congregation! God calls us to worship, to be in regular fellowship with one another, and to serve.  You do not need to be a member of our church in order to do any of these—but many have found that formally uniting with a local church is an commitment that brings a sense of belonging, the challenge to grow in faith, and an opportunity to use talents and experiences in the service of God.  It’s exciting to be a part of something so much bigger than we are!
Full Membership
You may join Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church as a full member through:
· Profession of Faith—if you have never been a member of a Christian church but wish to do so now.
· Reaffirmation of Faith—if a previous membership has lapsed and you wish to renew your vows with this congregation
· Letter of Transfer—if you wish to transfer a current membership from another congregation

Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership allows you to formally unite with Peace Memorial’s congregation while retaining your full membership in your home church.  Affiliate members are entitle to all the rights of membership except voting in congregation meetings and holding office.  Through our many affiliate members, Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church in Clearwater enjoys ties with many other Christian faith communities throughout the United States and Canada!
When a person who has never been baptized wishes to unite with our church, he or she is received by Profession of Faith and the service of baptism is scheduled.  Baptism in the Presbyterian Church (USA) always takes place during a regular worship service of the congregation.