Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church
Friday, March 28, 2025
find peace



We have set up a secure, online platform called Realm to manage your congregational account.
- Our Business Manager, Kim Dickson, will be sending an email with a link to set up your login password
- If you have not received an email from Kim, please email her to request one:
On Realm, you can:
- Set up automatic monthly contributions
- Make a one-time donation to special occasion/Holiday funds
- Review your contributions to date

The process is easy:
- Once you're logged in, confirm all your contact info – especially the email and phone # you want associated with your account
- Then, you'll be able to set up a monthly auto payment with a credit/debit card, checking, or savings account
- Or, you can choose to manually pay as you go throughout the year

Also, you will be able to text your contributions:

- text to 73256
- send message "pmpc contributions"
- you will then be prompted to enter amount ($3 minimum)

As always, Thank You for your support and generosity!


Watch a summary video here:
(click the expand arrows to watch full-screen)